Basic Microsoft Outlook

Microsoft Outlook is a powerful email tool, and if your workplace uses Microsoft Office for its other features, then chances are they will use Microsoft Outlook as their email client as well. In order to quickly and efficiently deal with any emails that come your way, you need to have the confidence and skills to use Microsoft Outlook effectively.

This means you should be able to do things such as create new emails, BCC and CC people into your emails, add attachments to your emails, search your inbox, use your out of office feature, and manage your junk mail so it doesn’t clog up your inbox.

Manage Your Tasks

Even if you love a paper to-do list, you need to be able to manage your tasks and workload on your computer. Chances are your workplace and team will be using some sort of task management systems such as Trello or Asana to assign tasks to team members and get a complete overview of all the outstanding tasks in a department.

You need to be able to use these online task tools to keep on top of your own tasks and mark off your tasks as and when you do them to ensure your manager has visibility on what you are doing. You should also be able to get an overview of other tasks in your department so you can see when the output you are waiting on is expected to be finished.

Overall, being able to use online scheduling tools will ensure your whole department runs a lot smoother.

Using Your Calendar

Whether you use your Outlook calendar or your Google calendar, it’s important that you know how to use an online calendar in order to keep yourself organised. Your workplace will have a preferred online calendar, and everyone should use the same one to ensure a consistent calendar view across the entire company.

When it comes to online calendars, you will need to use your computer skills to be able to do things such as blocking out your time, arranging meetings, inviting attendees, and cancelling and editing meetings when needed.

Video Conferencing

Video conferencing is another essential computer skill that you need in 2022, especially as more and more people are working from home. This means being familiar with video conferencing tools such as Microsoft Teams, Zoom and Skype, and feeling comfortable participating in video conferences.

As well as video phone calls, video conferencing could mean sharing your screen with others or even giving a presentation online.

You need to feel confident using video conferencing software to ensure that your team meetings and presentations run as smoothly as if you were in the room. It can seem a little overwhelming participating in video conferences, but they are really no different than in-person meetings once you get to grips with the software

Online Training

Online training is a popular delivery method for workplace training, but again, it is even more crucial these days with more people working from home on a daily basis. Being able to complete online training in a competent manner is an essential computer skill, and will help aid your personal and professional development.

Completing online training means being familiar with the way eLearning platforms work. This usually means watching a series of videos and being able to complete an online quiz to gain your qualification.

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